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Twitter Feed
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Twitter is the biggest text messaging website on the internet. The short messages called 'tweets' are sent to 'followers' i.e. those who have registered to receive tweets from others. The Twitter Feed social media software app adds Twitter feed to your Facebook page quickly and easily.
Twitter Feed
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Twitter followers in Facebook

The Twitter Feed app lets the administrator create a page with header with text and or/image with hyperlink if desired. The body of the page contains a twitter widget code embedded in it. This widget allows streaming your tweets straight into Facebook page. To view this page visitors must 'Like' the app first which gives you free Facebook likes.
Facebook Twitter Feed

Twitter followers & Facebook fans

Tweets are a popular means of sending instant messages to your followers. The Twitter Feed app enables you to send short messages to all your employees, customers etc instantly. Important announcements like launch of new products or major product upgrades etc can be immediately sent to all those who matter to your company. Thus this is yet another way of engaging with your fans that can give good returns in the long run.
Facebook Likes

Fan Gate - Facebook Likes

Like a gated community, you can either allow only those who like your content in or allow all people through the gates. Add a "like" gate and turn visitors into fans.
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